10 Genius Facebook Marketing Hacks

Today, we are going to take a look at 10 genius Facebook marketing hacks that will get you lots of engagement.

At Relevantly, we have over 15 years of marketing experience and are happy to share what we’ve learned with you!

In this post, you’ll learn how to make the most out of your Facebook marketing with simple techniques that you probably haven't heard of before. So, let’s get started.


Top 10 Facebook Marketing Hacks

1. Post Cute Images or Gifs of Animals or Babies

We've found this technique to be one of the most effective ones we've used to increase engagement. Why does it work? Everyone loves a cute or silly picture of an animal or even a baby.

Even if your brand has nothing to do with babies or animals this will still work. You just have to relate the image to your brand by adding a funny, brand-related caption.

Playful funny posts on Facebook do a great job of attracting attention. Your ads will do better if you don't take yourself too seriously.


Funny animal pictures attract a lot of attention on Facebook


2. Put a Face to Your Product

Tied in with our previous Facebook marketing hack is to post fun staff pictures. Facebook's main purpose is to give users a place to interact with their friends and family, not a place for advertising.

Showing the people of your business instead of pushing your product is a great way to connect with your audience in a more personal way and will often get you better results than only posting product-related messages.


3. Use Facebook Messenger for Incredibly High Open Rates

Facebook Messenger is one of the simplest and probably least used tool for Facebook marketing. Luckily, it's as simple as it sounds, you merely send marketing messages through Facebook Messenger.

The best part of this form of digital marketing is that there is a free tool that you can use called MobileMonkey. This tool will allow you to get started with Facebook Messenger marketing. Start using it today and you could enjoy open rates of 50-80% and clickthrough rates of 20% when you use chat blasting.

Image source: MobileMonkey

Image source: MobileMonkey

MobileMonkey is a free tool you can use for your Facebook marketing


4. Use Chat Blasters

We just mentioned chat blasters in hack number 3, so if you aren't sure what that is, here is an explanation. Simply put, a chat blast is similar to an email blast but instead of sending your messages to your email contact list, you send it out through your chat box to all your contacts on your list.

The messages drive traffic to your site or to your conversion funnels. Chat blasting lets you get your message out to your entire Facebook Messenger list in minutes with incredible open rates of 70-80% in the first hour.


5. Promote Your Top Performing Content

Facebook allows you to get reports on a bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis so you know which posts have performed the best for page views, comments, shares, etc.

Use this information to select your star performers and then allocate some of your marketing budget to boost that content and give it even more exposure.


Boost your posts that have the best engagement


.6. Combine Platforms

Here's a great Facebook marketing hack that lets you combine two of your platforms. If you already have an email list then you can invite people to your Facebook group by sending them an email.

You can do this by going to your Facebook group page and clicking on "members". You can then add an email address from your existing list. You can even include personal notes to your recipients.


7. Post Short, Intriguing Videos

Videos still work great to catch users' attention, but you need to keep them short and they need to catch peoples' attention right away.

If you are like me, you could probably watch one to two-minute-long recipe videos all night. Videos work, but they need to entertain your audience and they need to be brief.


Here are some great tips for making effective Facebook marketing videos


8. Keep an Eye on Your Competition

It's a good idea to keep an eye on your competition to see what they are up to and Facebook will actually help you do this. Simply go to "Facebook Page Insights" and scroll down to "Pages to Watch".

Facebook will have listed their 5 possible competitors for you to keep an eye on. You can see even more competitors if you choose "See More Suggested Pages." You can then add a competitor to your watched pages and see helpful information like their growth rates, total likes, activity, and how often they post.


9. Run a Contest

People love to win things, so running a simple Facebook marketing contest can be a great way to increase engagement. Make it easy so lots of people will enter and choose a prize that will be enticing to your target market, but won't break your budget.

It could be as simple as having people post an image of themselves using your product and then you randomly select a winner from all of the entries.

Image Source: Winfreevanilla

Image Source: Winfreevanilla

Here’s another example of a simple contest you could run


10. Personally Invite People to Become a Fan

This is an effective Facebook marketing tactic because you are dealing with people who have already engaged with one of your posts.

Go to your business Facebook page on your desktop and locate a post that has engagement. Check out all of the people who engaged with the post and then personally invite them to become a fan of your page.


Bonus Tip: Is There a Best Time to Post on Facebook?

Depending on which study you read, you will find that there is mixed opinion as to when is the best time to post to Facebook. The better question to answer is “when is the best time for your brand to post to Facebook?.”

Every brand will be different as it depends on the type of industry you are in, where your audience is based, and when they are online. Take a look at individual posts to see which ones had the highest engagements and then check the timestamps of these posts.

You can also take a look at Facebook analytics to find out when your audience is most active and then post during that time.


There’s no perfect time to post on Facebook


Get Help with Your Facebook Marketing from Relevantly

If these Facebook marketing hacks grabbed your attention and you’re wanting to use them for your business but you don’t have the time, Relevantly can help.

At Relevantly, we have over 15 years of marketing experience and have helped small businesses across Ontario, Canada, and North America build their brand online.

If you’re ready to create an effective Facebook marketing strategy, contact us today!

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