Microsoft Case Study: How Microsoft Facebook Ads Are Used to Drive Sales

Today, we are going to take a look at how Microsoft Facebook ads are used to drive sales on their website.

At Relevantly, we have over 15 years of marketing experience and are happy to share what we’ve learned with you!

In this post, you’ll learn more about the effective marketing strategies that Microsoft uses, as well as their overall social strategy so you can use these tactics in your own business. So, let’s get started.


Microsoft Facebook Ads

Founded in 1975, Microsoft is a multinational technology company that:

  • Develops, licenses, and supports a wide range of software products and services

  • Designs and sells hardware devices

  • Sells individual products and services as well as suites of products and services

They are probably most well-known for their Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, the Microsoft Office suite, Internet Explorer and Edge web browsers.

If you’d like to learn a bit more about the history of Microsoft, check out this great video.


But just because they are a well-known brand, doesn't mean that they don't need to market themselves. Microsoft understands the importance of using successful marketing tactics including marketing on social media platforms.

Keep reading to discover what strategies they use for their Microsoft Facebook ads as we dissect a number of their most recent ones.


Microsoft Facebook Ads 2020

The series of Microsoft Facebook ads that Microsoft launched in October of 2020 have a similar feel but a slightly different message. They each include both a short but informative text-based message followed by a slick, well-produced video.


Microsoft Facebook Ads: #1


The first ad hones in on a couple of key benefits of Microsoft ‘s Surface Pro X including its incredibly fast speeds and unbelievable design. It also doesn’t overwhelm you by listing every feature possible. Instead it lists 3 of the most important ones including:

  • 2 USB-C ports,

  • Edge-to-edge 13" touchscreen and

  • A choice of colors

It's enough information to get you interested but not too much. This way, you won’t have questions and will not have to navigate through their website to learn more. Also, getting their audience to navigate to their website, in order to purchase their products, is the point of their ad.

This first video features slow, calming music which will probably appeal to an older audience.


Microsoft Facebook Ads: #2

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There is a an even simpler approach taken with this second Microsoft Facebook ad. It’s purposely “un-technical” in tone with even shorter text. It’s almost as if they are taking the approach of letting the pictures (or in this case the video) do the speaking for them.

The music in this second video is much more up-beat and sounds like it is geared towards a younger demographic who possibly is just as concerned about the look of their laptop as the specs.


Microsoft Facebook Ads: #3

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This third Microsoft Facebook ad is a combination of the two previous ones. They use the same video as in their second ad, but their text portion includes more features and benefits like their first ad.


Lessons Learned from Microsoft Facebook Ads

Here are a few of our key takeaways from these Microsoft Facebook ads:

  1. Use a combination of ads that will target different demographics.

  2. Include enough in your ad to get your audience interested enough to click through to your website.

  3. Make your ad look professional.

  4. Use videos whenever possible, to capture attention.

  5. Combine certain elements from pre-existing ads to make more ads, this will prevent you from always having to start from scratch.


Microsoft's Overall Social Media Strategy

Microsoft recognizes the value of tapping into the power of social media platforms. They host more than 30 brands and product lines from Surface to Xbox. Each of these lines needs to be diligently nurtured, monitored and maintained in order for them to be successful.

They use the Microsoft Customer Experience Center to connect with their audience at each stage of the sales funnel. According to Microsoft, "From extending a virtual handshake to those who are still “anonymous” and not yet in your funnel, to creating opportunities with those who are deeper in the consideration phase, to cementing the bonds that turn customers into raving fans, a robust social media program is critical to nurturing these relationships."


Microsoft believes that answering a customer’s social media connection is as important as answering their phone call


At Microsoft they give the same weight to their social media connections as they do their service call centers. They feel that if they ignore a customer's tweet, it's just as bad a never picking up the phone when a customer calls them.

Engaging with all of their customers no matter what platform they are using is vital to their success. To keep engaged with their customers, Microsoft uses the social media engagement platform Sprinklr in conjunction with other tools such as Microsoft BI, Office 365 and SQL Server. They also have a team of more than 50 people who manage each Microsoft products presence "by listening, planning, engaging, and driving paid media across over 160 channels."


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If these Microsoft Facebook ads grabbed your attention, and you’re wondering how you can do the same for your business, Relevantly can help.

At Relevantly, we have over 15 years of marketing experience and have helped small businesses across Ontario, Canada, and North America build their brand online.

If you’re ready to create an effective Facebook marketing strategy, contact us today!

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