Sports Advertising on Facebook

Sports advertising on Facebook is an excellent way to increase the popularity of your organization and increase your fanbase. 

Whether you are trying to attract new players for your sports team, or you are hoping to increase ticket sales, establishing sports advertisements on Facebook is a great approach to reaching those goals. 

Jump ahead by clicking on the corresponding link to learn more about sports advertising on Facebook:

  1. Why Do Sports Organizations Need Facebook Ads?

  2. Is Facebook a Good Place to Advertise Sports Teams?

  3. What Kind of Ads Can You Run On Facebook?

  4. Begin Your Facebook Marketing Strategy With Relevantly

Continue reading to learn more about using Facebook to advertise your sports team. If you want professional guidance, contact the professionals at Relevantly to begin your marketing plan. 


Using Facebook For Sports Advertising 

Use Facebook ads to advertise your sports team | Image by Sepp from Pixabay

1. Why Do Sports Organizations Need Facebook Ads?

Did you know that as of 2023, Facebook has 2.93 billion monthly active users? This means that 36.7% of the world’s population uses Facebook on a regular basis

Given the number of people who use Facebook, it is a great platform to use for sports advertising. Often, many sports organizations struggle to build their brand or maintain their popularity. This impacts not only their player base but also their fanbase. Using Facebook ads can solve these problems. 

Sports teams can benefit from Facebook ads for various reasons, such as: 

  • Facebook ads help you in creating consistent branding and marketing to ensure your players and fans trust your organization. After all, sports fans love to engage with their favourite team/organization online.  

  • You can target specific demographics for your organization. In the Core Audiences section, you can specify the people you are trying to attract. For example, if you are the president of an adult men’s football league, you can customize your Facebook ads to target individuals over the age of 18. 

  • There are several Facebook ad options available to you. For example, you can upload images of your coaching staff and players with a brief description of their background for potential players and fans to engage with. 

Don’t hesitate to create Facebook ads for your sports organization! The sooner you get an effective ad campaign up and running, the sooner you can begin growing your audience!

Use Facebook for your sports advertising

2. Is Facebook a Good Place to Advertise Sports Teams?

Given the number of people who explore Facebook on a daily basis, the easy answer is yes. However, let’s interpret the ad below, and you can answer this question for yourself. 

As you can see, this Facebook ad is targeting: 

  • Ages 28-65+

  • All genders 

  • Within 25 miles of Hamilton, ON 

Perhaps you have just created a lawn-bowling or curling league and you want people to know about it. Targeting older individuals is a smart idea given the general demographic/player base of these sports. In the same respect, targeting all genders is a good idea, especially if you are starting up a co-ed league. 

Also, keep in mind that if you are in a rush and you need more players to start your sports league, advertising is the best way to reach a broad audience fast. 

3. What Kind of Ads Can You Run On Facebook?

When it comes to sports advertising on Facebook, there are many types of ads you can run.

If you are searching for design tips for your Facebook ads, check out our article “13 Facebook Ad Design Tips to Help Your Ads Stand Out”.

Below is a description of the most popular options along with an example of each.

Single Image Ads 

In the case of single-image ads, one large image is used. This is a great opportunity to present your team logo and provide current and potential players and fans with information on your organization. Here is a great example of a single image ad:

This single-image ad demonstrates just how effective sports advertising on Facebook can be. This ad includes:

  • A clear image that shows kids competing and having fun

  • General information

  • A link to the registration site

Based on this ad, any parent can feel comfortable signing their kid up for this flag football league.

Carousel Image Ads 

Carousel ads allow you to display a variety of images which users can scroll through. If you are the president of a youth football team, for example, you can add a collection of action shots from your practices and games. 

This carousel image ad, by Levelwear, is highlighting their new line of Toronto Maple Leaf’s athletic apparel. This is a great example of a carousel ad because it:

  • Is very user friendly

  • Includes high-quality images

  • provides individual links to each product

Video Ads

Facebook even allows you to generate video ads. Many professional sports teams upload videos on social media platforms to create hype for a certain game which attracts fans and ultimately increases viewership. For minor leagues, you can also upload a video introducing your coaching staff which can increase likeability.

This video ad, posted by the City of Waterloo, is an excellent example of sports advertising on Facebook. This ad includes:

  • A nice action shot at the start of the video

  • Clear and high-quality videography

  • Registration information

  • Video proof of players having a good time and competing

If you are hoping to find more Facebook video ad examples, take a look at our blog “5 Creative Facebook Video Ad Examples”.

4. Begin Your Facebook Marketing Strategy With Relevantly

Starting your own marketing plan can be difficult, this is especially true if you are busy leading a sports team or organization. You already have a lot on your plate as it is and generating sports advertising is another task you do not have time for. 

To make sure you are making the most of your marketing plan and budget, it is best to work with a professional marketing company. 

Although it is not difficult to launch a Facebook ad, it is extremely important that they are properly managed and designed. When it comes to sports advertising, your Facebook ads need to be handled properly to ensure you generate a positive return on investment. 

You can trust the professionals at Relevantly


At Relevantly, we specialize in Facebook marketing and we would love to help you with your marketing plan. 

We have over 15 years of marketing experience and our team has helped several companies and organizations across Ontario, Canada, and North America build their brand. 

If you want to take your sports advertising on Facebook seriously, contact us today, we are more than happy to help. 

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